St Petersburg, FL CPA firm

Time to Embrace a Digital Payment Platform

The world has forever changed, and a cloud of economic uncertainty is looming. One thing for certain – the traditional payment ecosystem exposes the general public to health risk. Antiquated payment methods, such as cash, checks, credit cards, touchscreens, and terminals, harbor germs and place the payer and payee at risk to exposure. Millions of transactions, each and every day, are creating millions of opportunities to spread illness and infection.

Thanks to the ongoing evolution in the payments industry, there are cleaner, healthier options, such as digital payment systems for business. Billing your customers is vital – but even more critical is getting paid in a safe, secure manner.  Digital payment platforms, such as BizPayo, provide a safe, contactless payment gateway via a business’s website. Besides safety, digital payment methods facilitate a faster, simpler, and more secure way of getting paid.

The quest for contactless payments is showing immediate signs of ramping up in the wake of COVID-19, and the tipping point for contactless payments for professional services may arrive faster than originally projected. It’s inevitable - - enterprising businesses across the U.S. have already made the migration to digital payment methods, and more are sure to follow.